About Atlantida, mysterious earth of atlantov, argue a long ago. The key question of disputes all the time is its location. Where only researchers did not place this hypothetical dry land! And in every variant his supporters always advanced «ferrous» arguments «after». But failures with the search of Atlantida in the indicated place confirmed that other variants also had a right on a coexistence.
  There is nothing surprising in that the Black sea, Pont of Evskinkiy ancient, also got in the list of corners of Earth, where it is necessary to search tailings of majestic cities of legendary atlantov. Certain knowledges of geology of Crimea and black Sea hollow of author, compatible from this version. To the geologists and oceanologists sew on countries well known, so-called, Dardanov flood, happening about 7 thousand years back. A black sea in those years existed as a deep-water freshwater lake, isolated from Mediterranean, which was filled with the rivers Dnepr, Danube, Don, Kuban and other.
  The result of these events was become by the submergence of enormous piece of dry land in 100 thousand square kilometres! I will turn your attention on circumstance that waters of Dardanova of flood, and many researchers consider him the prototype of the Biblical World flood, flooded the most fertile earths which it is possible to count the incorporated delta of the rivers Danube, Dnestr, Dnepr with their numerous influxes. The rivers brought gumus and moisture, their plavni swarmed a beast and waterfowls, and plenty of sturgeon fishes in the rivers and lake we even can not imagine with you. But by main employment of habitants on a flat plain (The Crimean mountains and Flat Crimea for them were on 200 meters higher), as archaeologists assert, there was the settled agriculture. It is considered that was here one of the first on Earth hearths of agriculture, and all of the European cultures take beginning exactly from here. And, as is generally known from history, the settled agriculture generates the state unavoidable.
  Such, for example, what Plato (427 – 347 г.г. B.C.) described us in the famous dialogs under the name of «country of atlantov». I hope, now for a reader a hypothesis about finding of Atlantida on the day of the Black sea became not such unbelievable.
  What yet indirect arguments can be advanced an in behalf on the Crimean location of Atdantidy? Avaricious on geographical details Plato, left the little testifying to the geological structure of territory, where atlanty lived. But he underlines plenty of white and black stone in the maid of their capital. I think that all of Sevastopols will accede to me, that on plenty of white limestones the Crimean mountains do not have itself equal in Ukraine!
  And if rather yellow is a white limestone of sarmatskogo tier, composing Gerakleyskoe of plateau, Tarkhankutskiy peninsula, it is possible white to name with some stretching, a stone of Inkermana (mshankovyy and nummulitovyy limestones) on fresh skole is white «on everything one hundred». So, with the white stone of Atlantida all clear. If Plato or sage Solon (640 – 559 г.г. B.C.), from whose stories Plato created description of this surprising country, would visit our edges, sure, they necessarily marked plenty of white-rock mountains here.
Black Sea